Huskify Appointment Booking Changelog

Change log for Huskify Appointment Booking app.

[1.0.8] Sep 05, 2024

  • Add Quick setup in App Dashboard
  • Add “Book Button” to the Collection Page
  • Add Style for Book Button
  • Improve app

[1.0.7] Jun 08,2024

Update Service Order email template.

[1.0.6] – Jun 6,2024

Update calendar

[1.0.5] – May 4,2024

Add Sample Icon For Service And Facility

[1.0.4] – May 02, 2024

Add Extra Service and Facility for Booking Service item.

The feature allow Merchant can Add the extra service and Facility for his service item. For example: I configure Extra Service & Facility for Room room in the hotel.

In the website, Buyer can know Service and Facilities when Booking Room in the hotel.

[1.0.3] – April 26, 2024

Add Quick Book Service Feature.

The Quick Book Service Allow Buyer can View Booking Service Detail, He can Add item To cart or Quick Book Service without Checkout.

[1.0.2] – April 20, 2024

Add Multiple Room types for rentals service.

We have added multi room types for rentals service. it is suitable for booking reservation hotel, Motel, Office Service.

Merchant can add 2 or more room type in service.

Buyer can Select Room and Book in the website.

[1.0.1] – April 05, 2024

Add location to Service item.

We add location to to the service item, it help merchant can setup location for his service. Buyer also know the service location to book and use the service.

[1.0.0] – March 08, 2024

Release Huskify Appointment Booking app.
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