Test Store in the Shopify is easiest way for you to start learning and creating website with Shopify. You can install theme, Customize Online Store, install and test Shopify Apps, In this post, I will introduce how to create an example test store in the Shopify.
1. Create a Test Store
You can login to Shopify Partner on link https://accounts.shopify.com/lookup , if You do not have account, You can create free account on link https://accounts.shopify.com/signup.
Click To Store in the Left Menu => Add Store => Create development store
Enter all require filed.
- Select Create a store to test and build. it helps you easy test store or customize theme.
- Store name: Enter your store url, format is your-store.myshopify.com
- Build Version: Select Development preview, this option help you test or load store after edit theme, block easily.
- Data and Configuration. Select Start start with test, the test store will create with sample data, You will have some testing product data.
After Completing requirement filed, You can Click to the Create development store in button right corner.
After creating test store, it will be redirect to store’s admin.
2. Get Store font password and Select Theme
To access frontend, you need get password from admin to access to store font. Click to the Online Store => Theme
Go to frontend and enter password. Your store url should be your-store-url.myshopify.com
3. Active Payment testing.
if you do not see payment in the checkout page, you can enable it in the admin, go to Setting => Payment => (for testing) Bogus Gateway => Active
Hope my post help you can create an example test store in the Shopify. if you have any question, you can contact to [email protected]